Keyture is the latest new name and brand we have created at Truffle Bay. It is the new IoT product brand of the Austrian lighting specialist Zumtobel Group which has been revealed at the Light + Building trade fair in Frankfurt in March 2024. Keyture is a compound name, combining “key” and “feature” as its strategic role is to unlock the full potential of Thorn and Zumtobel luminaires in decarbonizing buildings and creating cost-efficient and intelligent property operations with its smart key features. Thus, the name already tells the essence of the brand's story and value proposition and can even be seamlessly embedded in the brand communication to give it an unmistakable brand character.
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Keyture joins a host of brand names created here – including Vonovia, Floya, Apleona, the Audi concept cars Skysphere and Grandsphere, Aqseptence, Traxeed, Yuble, Cyvisory MVGO, Loo&Me and Q_Perior. Although very different, they all have some things in common. Like all well-made brand names.
This is because naming processes are anything but a small and quick creative branding exercise, as they are still far too often dismissed – often with drastic consequences for brand owners if legal or cultural risks are "overlooked" on the way to the new brand. On the contrary, successful naming processes require a comprehensive, systematic process and the seamless interplay of several disciplines: brand strategy, verbal creativity, trade mark law expertise as well as thorough cultural and linguistic checks. Because newly created brand names should not only sound good, reflect the brand positioning, trigger desired associations and ideally make the brand stand our from its competitors. Undesirable associations and connotations, e.g. of a cultural, religious or sexual nature, should of course also be avoided, and legal risks should be ruled out as far as possible in advance. Finally, relevant domains mustshould be available and also SEO considerations also play an increasingly importants a role in the constantly growing “flood” of brands and information. And that’s exactly how we at Truffle Bay approach development processes – in a perfectly aligned team of experienced experts from all relevant disciplines.
The potential options are manifold: in terms of content, they range from descriptive to suggestive and associative to purely abstract, and in “technical” terms from abbreviations to existing words (used in new contexts, such as Amazon or Apple) to compound names (such as Keyture) to completely new creations (such as Rolex). But naturally, at the same time the available "playing field" is getting smaller and smaller – which of course doesn't make it any easier to find new, attractive names. Almost 12 million new trade marks mark applications were filed worldwide in 2022, almost 8 million of them from China alone (Source: World Intellectual Property Indicators 2023, WIPO).
For us, this makes working on new names all the more appealing. And the next naming process is already in the starting blocks: We are very happy that we have just won another challenging naming project from a prominent international industrial group. So stay tuned: new great names ahead!
Truffle Bay ist eine inhabergeführte, integrierte strategische Markenberatung und Designagentur mit Sitz in München. Mit Klarheit und Kreativität helfen wir ambitionierten Unternehmen und Unternehmern, ihre einzigartige Identität zu finden, zu definieren, zu gestalten und zum Leben zu erwecken – um so starke Marken als Kompass und Katalysator unternehmerischer Veränderungsprozesse sowie attraktive und differenzierende Markenerlebnisse zur Gewinnung und Bindung von Kunden und Mitarbeitern zu erschaffen.
Truffle Bay ist Mitglied im bvik – Bundesverband Industrie Kommunikation e.V.
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